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Devon, United Kingdom

Cordyline hopes! My very big cordyline in a massive pot succumbed to the cold two years ago. It's so big and in a plastic pot that I hid it behind other big shrubs and just left it. The bark is peeling off the trunk now but i noticed today that there are two baby ones appearing about 8 inches away from the very dead mother. What should I do? Can I dig them out and replant in smaller pots? I was so happy to see them and do hope I can nurture them into more growth. Sorry no photo, my camera died too.



Sound like the main body of the plant has had it, so yes, I would say remove the whole plant from the pot.

What you may find when you see the root system is that the roots under the "suckers" (the baby ones as you put it) are a different colour,these are "live" roots the others( the parent roots) are dead.

Tease the "baby" plants away from the main body of the root system and pot them up in a pot of a size suited to the size of the "baby" plants root system.

Then bin the parent plant.

Grow the "baby" plants on, potting them up as they become to big for the initial pot.

Eventually pot one into the pot that the parent plant was in and the other into a similar sized pot and voila!

You now have two cordylines

26 May, 2012


Thankyou Teegee. I'll do as you say and I'm so pleased that new life has sprung from the old.

27 May, 2012

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