Can anyone recommend an evergreen shrub for a damp corner?
By Annelaney
United Kingdom
Actually it's more than's pretty soggy. The mahonia I planted a year ago has been looking sicker and sicker and when I transplanted it yesterday the soil...clay not suprisingly, was very wet. Please don't talk about drainage....we've looked into it and it's too complicated to go into here. Would like a shrub....evergreen preferably with some flowers or interest. Gets morning dappled sun.
3 May, 2009
There are a few that need acid soil, but I don't suppose you have that.
Could you dig some sharp sand or a bit of small gravel in to improve it a bit, because there are some flowering evergreens that you might, only might, get away with. Those that like moist shade and/or clay are going to be your only choices and they are few and far between.
MG's idea of sinking a large pot may be your best bet.
3 May, 2009
A possible shrub is cornus alba 'Elegantissima' which will grow in wet soil. It flowers in spring, has leaves variegated with creamy white, deciduous, but bright red stems during the winter months. Prune it hard back just as growth starts in spring and it does the same all over again
3 May, 2009
what about a dwarf willow? they like damp conditions and as it grows it will help dry out the area. But try digging in grit to improve the overall drainage of the soil.
3 May, 2009
Anne, if you could bear not to have a shrub, there are some large and very large perennials that would be perfect.
Gunnera would suit well and a perfect foil would be a Filipendula. Loads of large leaves to fill the gap with the gunnera and lots of pretty flowers atop the filipendula.
4 May, 2009
If the soil is waterlogged I'm not aware of any shrub that will be happy there - you could look at plants which like to live in boggy conditions. Alternatively put a shrub there in a large container but be prepared to water and feed and protect in winter.
3 May, 2009