where can i buy a london pride plant
By Watty172
st pattric's cabbage
3 May, 2009
Just about any garden centre or nursery will have for sale
3 May, 2009
I remember this plant in my grans garden but have yet to see it in any of my local garden centres. the big centres only stock stuff they can shift quickly and I dont think this plant is that popular nowadays(unfortunately). best trying a nursery or mail order
3 May, 2009
Garden centres round here certainly have ask for Saxifraga umbrosa if you can't see...
3 May, 2009
its a very common plant north of the border but not down here in the south. you see it in old established gardens but very rarely have i seen it around here for sale moongrower
3 May, 2009
There's some for sale on Ebay, also Saxifraga x urbium - also known as London Pride.
3 May, 2009
They have them at my work so imagine other garden centres would too.
3 May, 2009