strange flat worms hiding under pots good or bad
By Ricky
United Kingdom
i found these slimey flat worms under pots and old
scrap wood strange looking creatures havent seen or
heard tell of these guys before i live in county antrim
did think these guys would come so far north because
of our cold climate
3 May, 2009
how odd that reminds me of a dream I had last night of huge chunky flat looking worms under my pots...spooky
x x x
3 May, 2009
Touch them and see if they wrap round your finger. If they do they are leeches.
3 May, 2009
If they are NZ Flatworms They should be destroyed as they eat our Worms and will much reduce value of soil where they operate. I think one is asked to report their presence to your Horticultural Society.
3 May, 2009
If you do have NZ flat worms you are meant to report to:
More info on flat worms here:
A gardening friend used to lay down cardboard and leave for a few days then turn over, pick off the flat worms and dispose of... It is said that our 'normal' round worms do usually manage to make a comeback but like plants that become pests you do need to be careful!
3 May, 2009
WOW... serious stuff these worms, will keep ane xtra eye in my garden for these
x x
3 May, 2009
Mookins if you suddenly notice a decrease in your normal round worm population do a check for these little dears
3 May, 2009
How big are they? there are british flatworms that are not the thugs that the NZ ones are. do a careful id before destroying please.
3 May, 2009
Sounds like you have New Zealand flat worms
3 May, 2009