By Nannyann
United Kingdom
A few weeks ago I purchased two wisteria plants they came bare rooted I planted them as insructed can anyone tell me when they will get leaves
28 May, 2012
You should really only plant bare rooted trees and shrubs from November to March and any reputable nursery wouldn't be sending out at this time of year. When exactly did you receive and plant?
28 May, 2012
Hi I bought them from QVC about month ago and they came from Thompson and Morgan I have done a little scrape and it is green underneath
28 May, 2012
Buying shrubs via a TV channel is a very risky business and T & M have received a lot of bad press on this forum... Al you can do now is as Bertie advised and keep well watered but not over watered.
29 May, 2012
many thanks for your help
29 May, 2012
Previous question
Unless they came from some kind of 'cold store' which might be the case as bare rooted plants, they should be in full leaf by now and established ones are flowering of course. If you bought them mail order the former could be the case.
As long as they are alive (scrape a finger nail on the woody stem and check there is green beneath) they will come rapidly into leaf now. If they are already planted out in the ground make sure they are well watered but not swamped.
28 May, 2012