By Namron
United Kingdom
Sorry if I'm repeating a previous question - I have looked down through the list for similar.
Why arent my runner beans germinating? I sowed a row straight into the soil (white flower variety, last years seed) on 11th May (16days ago) - nothing came up. I sowed another row 22nd May (6days ago) - nothing happening yet.
28 May, 2012
Thanks Cammomile - will keep my fingers crossed.
28 May, 2012
They take almost a fortnight in my polytunnel when I sow them in pots, so Cammomile is absolutely right. The warm weather has been very recent and runners can take a long time to germinate, far longer than French beans which can be up in a couple of days.
28 May, 2012
Thanks for taking the trouble to post a reply to me.
28 May, 2012
Good luck!! My 4 year old has some in a pot that have still to pop their heads up :)
28 May, 2012
Has your son's runner beans popped their heads up yet Magnadoodle?
My first sowings didnt germinate - in fact I gently turned the soil to see where they were and found only one which had maggots in it! How they got there, I dont know. The rest must have rotted and disappeared or eaten by birds.
My second sowing - only 3 are showing their heads at the moment.
My neighbour has kindly given me some plants which he started in a greenhouse.
It's probably best to start them off in pots, rather than direct in soil.
13 Jun, 2012
One peeking out but I'm doubtful, she won't let me bin them to try again :(
13 Jun, 2012
It hasn't been that long and the weather has only just warmed up so as long as you are keeping them well watered I wouldn't be surprised if they start showing soon.
28 May, 2012