One side of the garden has standing water, that does not drain away.
By Fandango
United Kingdom
any advise on what we can do to drain away. we had an initial thought of putting small stones in the area and then creating a raised bed? but its only a thought, it is believed there is clay further down. but this is not confirmed. can anyone advise... thanks
3 May, 2009
Or is there a blocked drain pipe beneath that side of the garden.
3 May, 2009
welcome to GoY. You will probably have to investigate the blocked drain and underground stream ideas, the first by employing a plumber, the second by asking neighbours or checking your deeds as there will probably be something on record. If you have a new build then sometimes the soil gets very compacted by the builders and will not soak away. this can be improved by putting in drainage (look up RHS website to get started) and improving the topsoil, or you could as moon grower says make it into a boggy garden area. good luck
3 May, 2009
You don't say where or why you have standing water which means it is difficult to give a clear answer. There are plants that love being in boggy ground - do a quick search on 'plants for boggy ground' on this site and you'll come up with a huge list!
Big question is why the ground is boggy, is a stream/burn running through underground for example.
3 May, 2009