By Bginagardna
United Kingdom
Please can you tell me, can Callistemon be kept in a garden pot, or will this affect it adversely?
28 May, 2012
Mine's in a pot, been potted on to a larger one twice, once when I first got it, and again 2 years later, now 5 years and will need to pot on again this year. Don't forget to prune back immediately after flowering to just beneath where the flowers are.
29 May, 2012
Dear Bamboo,
Thank you for your advice on my Callistemon. Much appreciated.
30 May, 2012
As with all shrubs, they are better grown in the ground, but as Callistemon are not particularly hardy, it is perhaps better in a large pot, so that it can be moved to somewhere cool but frost free for the winter, Derek.
28 May, 2012