Is my ash tree dead?
By Stevef
United Kingdom
It is now early May and my ash tree has not flowered & come into leaf- except one solitary twig is sprouting a leaf. The branches still have a lot of last years keys on them but that's all - nothing new . Ivy has grown up the trunk and along some of the branches. Someone told me that the tree might be having a "year off" but this has never happened before. Can I assume it is dead?
4 May, 2009
OK. Thanks for that advice. But if there is no sign of flower or leaf by Mid-June can I assume that it IS dead? Ash trees don't just "take a year off", do they? It seems unlikely as I've lived with it for nearly 50 years and it's never done that. I would think the tree is probably 80-100 years old and the branches were very severely hacked about by a neighbour about 25 years ago but has put on new branches since then.
(location is West Midlands)
4 May, 2009
I have never heard of trees 'having a year off' n this manner, Steve. If the tree is as old as you say then it will be pretty big and you will probably be seeking professional advice before removing it. The tree surgeon will be able to confirm if the tree is dead or not.
Trees have a finite life span and then they do die. I am no expert but 100 years for an ash tree sounds as if it may be near the end of its life.
4 May, 2009
I have two ash trees and neither has any leaves yet. One has a few flowers opening at the moment. They are not dead, just late. Our older ash is over 150 years old now - an old man!.
I am in the mild Southwest - so be patient!
4 May, 2009
OK. Thanks for your help. I'll leave it till the end of the summer before I do anything.
5 May, 2009
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I would not assume it to be dead just yet. Here, in the north of Scotland, our large ash is just starting to come into leaf if I look very closely. The ash is one of the last rees to come into leaf and flower so I would give it another month yet.
4 May, 2009