By Sis2158
United Kingdom
hi I planted 2 hedychiums griffithianum and aurantiacum
both rizholmes had red buds/shoots about 1cm I put them in about 7 weeks ago in rich soil and plenty of ferterlizer dug in the soil which is free draining they have sun in the morning until the mid afternoon then shade as yet they have not moved do they like lots of water?
30 May, 2012
Maybe these gingers are a bit exotic. One of them is more a greenhouse plant. The Grithith one I think. There is also a ? about 'escape into the wild'. In some parts of the world they are considered an invasive weed. They look very impressive. I would have thought they were more of a greenhouse specimen than exposed to our capriceous climate in open ground. In the Himlaya they know what they are in for, but in UK, its a lottery.
31 May, 2012