By Sis2158
United Kingdom
hi I planted 2 hedychiums griffithianum and aurantiacum
both rizholmes had red buds/shoots about 1cm I put them in about 7 weeks ago in rich soil and plenty of ferterlizer dug in the soil which is free draining they have sun in the morning until the mid afternoon then shade as yet they have not moved do they like lots of water?
30 May, 2012
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« hi I planted 2 hedychiums griffithianum and aurantiacum both rizholmes had red...
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Hi Sis, I don't know about aurantiacum...
...but hedychium grew like a weed in my garden, when I lived in West Africa. You probably need to take it indoors to get it to start going and only put it out in the summer. The soil there is more sand than anything else...and it likes very, very warm and very, very wet!!
31 May, 2012