By Amateur6
United Kingdom
Hi My apple tree appeared has been very healthy and this year had a very large number of flowers. I was expecting it to bear a lot of fruit but have noticed that although the leaves are mainly healthy , all the flowers have died off with the buds and no evidence of any fruit. I think it has an infection but dont know what to do. Please advise. Thankyou.
30 May, 2012
Bullfinches especially like apple blossom but it was very cold and windy when the blossom was out, this could have affected the set, last year it was very warm and dry, the other thought I have is to ask if there are any other apples of the correct type to cross pollinate your tree
31 May, 2012
I have ten small trees fruit in a row.One of them called Charlotte consistently fails to fruit well. This year it had loads of blossom, and so did the other 5 apple trees and they have set well. I am growing a Claire de lune clematis up it,as that is all it's good for, lovely display of huge white/blue blooms. I have come to the conclusion it is the tree itself that is unable to set fruit for some reason. If it small I should grub it out and try with another tree.
31 May, 2012
I have two red love apples, one had flowers, the other didn't. The flowered one dropped all its flowers and didn't set fruit and I can only suppose it wasn't fertilised.
31 May, 2012
Its been an unusual few years for plants....
31 May, 2012
YOu don't say where you are in the country, but its possible that frost got the blossom before it was pollinated or before the fruitlets formed. One question though - did the blossom shrivel on the tree and remain there, or did it fall and disappear completely?
31 May, 2012
A few things could cause this. The first two is the blossoms froze before the fruit could form and second it did not pollenate. Pruning your tree, lack of annual pruning of your apple trees can cause you to have lack of or no fruit production. And too much fruit set the year before will stress the tree and it will not bear fruit the next year, it will pretty much become biennial in fruiting, having a large crop one year and nothing the next. You can prevent this by thinning the apples when they are tiny about three weeks after blooming. In our apple orchards we are constantly thinning our apple trees so we get a good fruit set every year. And last fertilization if you fertilize too much you will get healthy leaf and branch growth but no fruit.
31 May, 2012
This happened to mine last year and again this year.
I thought the blooms had blown off but now think it may be the birds before fruits get a chance to grow.
31 May, 2012