By Newdawn
Kerry , Ireland
I would appreciate some info on two plants. One I bought some years ago and left in a container until I was ready to plant it, unfortuntly I lost the tag. I wonder is it a type of hedge? The other I found growing maybe its a weed!
- 30 May, 2012
I'd swap it for many of my weeds!
31 May, 2012
Hear hear......anyone like some cleavers....
31 May, 2012
No thank you, I have all of both I can deal with!
31 May, 2012
Thank you all so much.
As for the wild violet, out it goes. I too have enough weeds.
As we are on weeds, what is a safe weed killer to use under a hedge and around perennials, such as lupins, Shasta Daisy and Hostas. I get really tired of hoeing as I have a large garden.
Thanks again everyone.
1 Jun, 2012
The first one looks like a privit or ligustrum ovalifolium
Second one looks like one of the wild violets and can certainly be a weed as they spread everywhere
31 May, 2012