By Bertiefox
Maine et Loire,
Really vigorous clematis. We have a lot of dead willow trees opposite the back door of the house, and rather than cut them down I was wondering about growing a vigorous clematis into them. This means something that can make 25 ft or so, and do ok in relative shade. Even worse, I would probably have to establish it in a (very) large pot as the soil around is full of rocks and on a slope.
Any ideas of what might do well in such conditions?
31 May, 2012
I agree any of the montanas will romp over just about anything but I'm not sure how well they will do in a large pot Bertie.
31 May, 2012
Montana would do the job admirably - but not in a pot, unfortunately. There's no way it can make its potential 35 feet height from a pot.
31 May, 2012
Could you excavate a big hole and remove the base from a big pot, then topdress regularly?
31 May, 2012
Clematis seem to thrive in my poor calcaire soil...
31 May, 2012
Montana Elizabeth.......................End of thread.
31 May, 2012
What do you mean 'End of thread' Japon?
1 Jun, 2012
I think he means, MG, 'end of story, job done' kind of thing. Won't be though, not in a pot...
1 Jun, 2012
Nope it wont...
1 Jun, 2012
i did see some pots at colchester zoo that were huge .
2 Jun, 2012
Snag is they are also hugely expensive NP
2 Jun, 2012
Thanks very much for the advice everybody! Sounds like Montana would do the trick. I will give up on the idea of a large pot and instead dig out a large hole in the rubble and fill with good compost. I would guess that would do the job as it should be able to root down into the rocks while having a good 'feeding' space.
2 Jun, 2012
Go for it Bertie and look forward to seeing the results.
2 Jun, 2012
I'm sure it'll do fine, Bertie. Clematis love French calcaire.
2 Jun, 2012
rocks are also quit a natural thing for plants to live with im sure it will do well . my mums is huge .
3 Jun, 2012
montanna seams like just the job .
31 May, 2012