By Sjw
United Kingdom
Just a quick question about my dreaded bay trees, they have suffered terribly, they were covered during the worst of the winter weather but didn't come thru too well. They are lollipop types in large pots. They are half the size that they were but do have new growth on them. I have been giving them miracle grow fortnightly but have noticed that there trunks have numerous crack along the whole length does this spell the end for them or can trunks repair themselves.
31 May, 2012
If the top dies try cutting it off altogether and it will probably shoot from the base, when you can then train it into a round shape. Mine did anyway.
1 Jun, 2012
If I cut the head of the tree off, how long would it take to regrow to ball shape and what about the cracked trunk. I have now bought two new larger bay trees and will bring them indoors this year, hopefully the third pair might survive.
1 Jun, 2012
Previous question
Cracks don't sound too good, SJW. Infection can get in all too easily, and you may well lose them. Bays, if I remember rightly are difficult to grow in pots because their roots suffer so badly from cold in a bad winter. I know - we've lost three now! It's a shame, 'cos they look so good as decorative features. The only one we have left is planted in the ground, and it wasn't really well enough established to withstand this past appalling winter, so it's alive, but only just! The new growth on yours sounds promising, but you may have lost the "lollipop" you started out with. Best of luck!
1 Jun, 2012