please help
By Brenski
United Kingdom
anyone succeeded with heliconia or strelitzia
need to know what will help my chances of success
4 May, 2009
By Brenski
United Kingdom
anyone succeeded with heliconia or strelitzia
need to know what will help my chances of success
With your question not being answered I did a google search and found these two entries that might help. Please know that I didn't even know the names you put related to the bird of pradise plant so don't want any credit - or otherwise!!!! You are bery brave!!!! Good Luck!!!!
In the conservatory, my Strelitzia regina (Bird of Paradise) is in full flower. I grew this plant from seed several years ago (very easy!). I read somewhere that it takes seven years to produce flowers from seed-grown plants, and guess what? it took seven years to produce flowers! It really is a spectacular plant, and its leaves are great too. You can dry the leaves for use in flower arranging, and they curl into weird and wonderful shapes. Once dried, they can be sprayed different colours, such as gold and silver for Christmas, or any other colour which takes your fancy.
Avoid temperatures below 45 F. Will show cold damage through brown lesions on flowers and bracts. Can ooze jelly-like substance which may be sticky. This can be wiped away carefully. Soak the flower head in warm water for about 20 minutes to help tight sheaths so that flowers can emerge.
8 May, 2009