Veg and bubble wrap?
By Llew
United Kingdom
Ha, bet that question got you wondering, eh?
Two questions really. :o)
I've got shed loads of bubble wrap (not literally I hasten to add) and wondered if it had a use in the garden anywhere.
Secondly, I've decided to start composting. Not gonna ask how 'cause there's loads on here for that, but..until I get my bin can I keep my veg peelings somewhere? I've got some in a carrier bag at the mo, but it's not gonna smell too good soon, so would a black bin liner in the garden be OK? And...what size bin would I need. I can't visualise the litre sizes. Only having a small patch, I don't want a huge one but neither do I want a gallon bucket size, lol. What size would you recommend I start with?
4 May, 2009
Hi Llew,
Use samll dustbins about 1 metre high, if you have two, fill one and let it compost. For over 6 weeks. Fill the other one meanwhile and you should get a constant supply. The bins need lips.
5 May, 2009
Hmmmm, no dustbins I'm afraid. Only wheelie bins, lol.
Thanks Mookins. I wondered if they'd be good for covering plants, so that's answered that. Good idea about standing the trays on them too. :o)
5 May, 2009
Llew, I've just bought a family sized compost bin (I think it's 330 litres?) If you contact your local council, you can buy subsidized bins. For instance, my bin is £18 instead of £49. I think the one you want, is 220 litres for small gardens and is £17 instead of £39. They deliver for £5 too.
Keep your compost in a bucket or bin bag. Don't worry about the smell, it'll go as soon as it gets "cooked" in the new bin!
5 May, 2009
Try this site and enter your postcode:
5 May, 2009
WOW thats great craftnutter gonna get me one of those, have wanted one for a while now but budget just hasnt stretched that far
wohoo, now I can
x x x
5 May, 2009
Thanks, CraftN. :o)
I was going to phone my council but didn't know what size to ask for. The 220 litres and price sounds about right so I'll get on to it tomorrow. :o)
5 May, 2009
Buying online now from that link, CraftN. Thanks, hun.
Our council sucks though. They're charging £20 for the 220 and £21 for the 330, so I might as well get the big one. :-) Mind you, still shouldn't complain, eh? They're a good price.
Also, which I suppose covers the extra few quid, they're giving a free 5 litre kitchen caddy for your waste to carry it out to the bin. Not very big, but adequate, I'm sure.
5 May, 2009
bargains all round
x x x
6 May, 2009
Glad to have helped, my lovelies!!!
Oooh, I had to pay £4 for my caddy! I only paid £18 for the 330 comp tho'. So, it's all about right, lol!!! xoxoxo
6 May, 2009
Just had a thought.
Can you use bubble wrap for putting round the plants for protection in winter?
6 May, 2009
I used bubble wrap in stead of the propergators, its also very good for under seed trays when watering as it stays inderneath the trays without them sitting in water but enough for the water to keep the underneath damp.
sorry im no good with measurements and havent yet worked out the size I would need either
x x x
5 May, 2009