Can anyone identify this plant?
By Rory
We received this beautiful plant from a friend and have it growing in our garden here in Tokyo. It has been blooming for the past week or so.
Thanks for your trouble,
Rory Rosszell
On plant

5 May, 2009
I would think a Tree Heather of some sort.
5 May, 2009
Thank you to Rydeboyz for responding and for suggesting a couple of possibilities.
I was going to send you 2 or 3 close-ups, but don't see how I can do that through this website, and I don't see your e-mail address listed anywhere.
5 May, 2009
You can add the photos on your profile and then let people know they are there
5 May, 2009
It could be a Grevillea as the foliage looks like a juniperina variety, but the flowers are usually produced on the ends of the branches. Are the pink flowers open flowers or just the buds. The position of the flowers/buds suggests it could even be a Leptospermum. More pictures would be helpful of the foliage and the flowers
5 May, 2009
It looks like a Grevillea "canberra gem" but it also looks like a Leptospermum
5 May, 2009
Thanks again for the responses.
I just posted 3 more pictures and hope those will help.
In answer to Andrearichter's question, what you see are the open bell-shaped flowers, not the buds.
I have checked out all the suggestions that have been made so far and although the heath/heather foliage is similar, the flowers look quite different to me. The other suggestions seem to be quite different.
5 May, 2009
Crinodendron or maybe Berberiopsis,but once again the foliage is not right
5 May, 2009
Thank you again for your help.
Crinodendron is definitely the best match so far. I Googled berberiopsis but got nothing, so I'm not sure about that one.
The flowers on crinodendron, or the Chilean lantern tree, look very similar, but the flower stalks as well as the flowers sound condiderably larger. The ones in are garden are only about 1cm and the stalks don't seem to be as long/pendulous. Whether it's a small crinodendron shrub/tree, I'm still not sure.
5 May, 2009
It does look very Crinodendron-like now I've seen it up close. I can't think of any better suggestions..
5 May, 2009
Previous question
« Ha, bet that question got you wondering, eh? Two questions really. :o) I've...
The leaves look like a Tamarix but the flowers look like an Erica..
I'd say it was was an Erica arborea but I haven't seen one with flowers that colour before.
5 May, 2009