By Laineyha
United Kingdom
I'm intending to erect two large trellis panels in an area of my garden that gets a bit of wind- I thought to grow a few clematis plants on trellis for screening. Are these the best plants for sunny & windy position or can anyone suggest anything else? I had also been looking for a climer that will be green all year round to retain screening but not sure what to buy-any suggestions welcome please
3 Jun, 2012
star Jasmin is very pretty, with a lovely scent and evergreen.
3 Jun, 2012
But if the trellis is going to be a windbreak and it is covered densely with climbers there will be a lot of wind resistance and it may blow down so make sure the supports are strong. If you grow a trained pyracantha in front of it instead, on the side away from the prevailing wind, it will tend to support the trellis rather than stress it. And you can then grow annuals such as sweet peas or canary creeper through the branches in the summer and get the best of both worlds.
3 Jun, 2012
I planted an evergreen clematis in a windy part of the garden last year - it didn't do well at all - all the leaves were wind scorched and some were even torn to pieces. I don't know if this was because it was a younger plant and would have improved with time. I did however - swap it over with a Pyracantha and it is looking good and the clematis is now doing much better out of the wind.
3 Jun, 2012
I've just erected two trellises in a very similar position and thrown in an evergreen honeysuckle Lonicera Japonica var repens which I know grows very fast and doesn't seem to mind the wind :-)
4 Jun, 2012
Thanks so much to all who took effort to reply. Steragram u mentioned issues I hadnt comtemplated, so cheers for comments.
5 Jun, 2012
Glad to be of use -nasty to find out the hard way!
6 Jun, 2012
I grew sweet peas on trellises last year and they were stunning. It was the first year I've gardened in my life ever, so don't listen to me!
3 Jun, 2012