By M_hunter5
United Kingdom
i have had my garden reshaped and i have three paths in the shape of a y all leading from different parts of the garden with a circle in the middle. my problem is that the paths are filled with tiny flint chippings with stepping stones on top. is there a substance th
at can help me keep the chippings in the path , as they end up every were as they are walked on. can anyone help.
4 Jun, 2012
Thank you for your answers to my question .I did have the ground dug out and edging put in , but as i am not to stable on my feet ,they were placed very low,
I will have to live with the problem , but when i have sweaped them up they look just fantastic and very unusual
My flint is not as big or dull as pea chippings , so the end result makes up for the aggro, but thankyou once again for your comments.
14 Jun, 2012
I'm sure it does look good and hope that sweeping them up isn't too much of a chore.
14 Jun, 2012
Previous question
You could try using something like lawn edging. When you made the paths did you dig out the soil so that you could have a layer of chippings several inches deep?
4 Jun, 2012