By Dianebulley
United Kingdom
About moving Phlox. My advice was correct. I have moved lots of plants in this way. You just have to be
very careful not to disturb any of the roots. I knew an old lady once who moved lots of plants in the middle of summer.
4 Jun, 2012
Don't take it to heart Diane - most replies on here are given with the best of intentions! I've successfully moved stuff at the "wrong " time of year too (and occasionally shouldn't have done!)
5 Jun, 2012
Hi all, that was my question about Phlox, I appreciate all answers but to be honest I WILL being moving them because the whole bed is being removed, so I have nothing to lose, Diane, I have moved all manner of plants in the past, including a climbing rose in the height of summer and its growing away nicely. Its all about how you go about it, i will let you know, as soon as it stops flipping raining that is!!
5 Jun, 2012
Sorry Booboo, and good luck with the move.
6 Jun, 2012
Thank you Snoopdog. Its hurtful when we give advice to Goyers and someone says its wrong.
5 Jun, 2012