By Jennyh
United Kingdom
I want to sow some green manure into a border that has been neglected, could some one recommend which type and one that I can sow now.
I have dug all the weeds out and dug over, the soil is poor and very heavy.
5 Jun, 2012
Agree with Bertie Phacelia is great for this. Most GC's carry green manures these days, otherwise you can order on line from Garden Organic or most of the reputable nurseries.
5 Jun, 2012
Thanks Bertiefox and Moon growe, I will have a look on the internet to see what I can find.
5 Jun, 2012
I would recommend Phacelia, as it grows very rapidly in summer, deters weeds, and is easy to cut down and incorporate into the soil. At the same time, you have the bonus of beautiful flowers which attract dozens of pollinating insects. I'm not sure where you can find see in the UK but here in France we are lucky that you can buy 500g boxes of seed for around 9 euros (about £8).
5 Jun, 2012