Escallonia Hedge
By Shirl
United Kingdom
I have a lovely escallonia hedge, but it has developed large black spots on its leaves which then turn bright yellow and drop off. I live right next to the sea, but I understand that escallonia is trouble free. Does anyone know what is causing this problem, is it because we had a particularly hard winter or has it got the lurgy?!
7 May, 2009
Can you send a photo of the leaves it would help, as there are so many different types of spots!! it could be a difficiency, frost damage, root rot through water logging, but Escalonia is usually fairly tough. If the whole hedge is affected safer to see what the damage looks like than a shot in the dark.
8 May, 2009
This sounds just like the problem I'm having with some Escallonia 'Crimson Spire' that I only planted last year. Just a few leaves every time and most of the plant still looking healthy but it's very unsightly and I'm worried it will spread to the whole plant. I'm in a city, nowhere near the sea. I'd guess fungal problems but perhaps someone else can confirm. I've been wondering how to treat it.
8 May, 2009
Previous question
« if I buy 1 gallon size, will it already bloom this season?
it might be a combination of wind& salt damage. or it could be a fungal infection [lurgy, gosh i havent heard that term for ages :o)] It is normal for them to shed leaves periodically and they will go butter yellow before dropping.
are the black spots confined to a few leaves or lots of leaves?
perhaps some one else will have better advice for you.
7 May, 2009