Help please. Mystery plant.
United Kingdom
A neighbour threw a few "shoots" over the wall a couple of years ago & this gorgeous, structual & tactile plant has grown into a lovely bush.
None of these "bushes" have flowered but my neighbours have with little yellowly green round flowers running along the top of the stem. Please check out the photo .
On plant
"Wish I knew ").

8 May, 2009
Hello Ian, I agree with Moon Grower, just be aware that these plants spread and cause skin irritation when touched. Not one of my favourites as you can guess but what the heck when free! Enjoy.
8 May, 2009
Thank you Moon Grower & Akela.
Your responses are great & were so quick.
I haven't noticed any skin irritation but will be careful...& it looks so nice too.
Typical , there was me thinking I was getting green fingers but was really tending to a trifid.
Many thanks to both of you.
8 May, 2009
The skin irritation is in the milk in the stems when you cut it back, just needs care or gloves! it is lovely I have a photo of mine on my photo page fourth row titled red tulips. you will see it in the background in flower
8 May, 2009
Thank you so much telme.
How do you get it to flower ?
Mine is shooting up but yours is far larger.
Very, very nice & thank you.
8 May, 2009
It normally flowers early Spring as you can see with the tulips, but goes on all through the Summer. I then cut the old flower head stalks off in the Autumn, back to the base and it looks like yours through the Winter, which give good leaf structure in the border. Mine is in a south facing border.I am not sure why yours is not in flower now, mine is Euphorbia John Thomlinson. I am quite sure your is the same one, Good luck try giving it a high Potassium fertiliser or tomatoe feed as I have quite rich soil.
8 May, 2009
How tall is your plant? Yours looks a bit taller than Cypruss spurge
8 May, 2009
So many of these Euphorbias seem to be popping up in gardens. Free plants and not knowing what they are, lol.
Others of us spend good money buying these things, ha, ha.
I too find them lovely structural plants, Ian.
8 May, 2009
My plant is between knee and waist high now it has been there a good few years but the youngsters are about 18" they just get thicker around the middle like me as they get older!!!
9 May, 2009
Hi Mageth,
My plant ( getting all territorial now ) is approx 3 foot high & in it's 2nd year.
Here's a link to more "insitu" pics :
I'll assume it is a Euphobia & just loves it's spot.
I do hope we're not going to get into a "Mine's bigger than yours " debate here, we fellas can be very sensitive on this issue :).
9 May, 2009
Thank you Llew,
Although new to "exterior design " I've already learnt to appreciate the word "free"!
I'm enjoying plant sharing with neighbours & friends & am actually flattered if people ask for cuttings.
The gardening thingy is getting addictive :).
9 May, 2009
Too true Telme.
I'll start worrying when my plants start standing sidewise when i point the camera at them though :).
Thank you for all your help & for such a warm welcome to this site.
9 May, 2009
Euphorbias flower on the pervious years growth, so the little stems at the bottom this year will produce the bracts next year. If you cut back these stems you will get fresh growth but no flowers. I think it might be E. characias
9 May, 2009
Previous question
Hi Ian it is a Euphorbia possibly cyparissias (the Cyprus Spurge)
8 May, 2009