Ceanothus "Yankee Point"
By Novice21
United Kingdom
Apparently best situated against a wall or fence trouble is i have only one fence which has 4 x Clematis growing aside it would it be happy planted next to them or could i put it into a large planter till the end of summer then replant it next to the clematis (Didnt order the plant its a freebie )........Ta
8 May, 2009
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Ceanothus is a lovely evergreen plant which will grow quite big. It's flowers smell divine, I love it, I have 2. One as a climber and one as a shrub. Trouble is, they usually only last 10 years, :-(
You should be able to grow it as a shrub, just lightly prune it each year as soon as it's finished flowering, autumn by latest. A sheltered spot would be better for it, which is why it was probably recommended to be grown against a wall or fence. But if you've got other shrubs to protect it, it should be ok. Hth?
8 May, 2009