By Hjones
United Kingdom
Help!! slugs in the house, do slug pellets attach them, is there a repellant I could use? there are children in the house but no pets,
Huw Jones
9 Jun, 2012
I remember I used to have that problem at one house - the strange thing was I saw the trails but never them. At one stage I was even convinced that they were inside a settee I was given by my aunt. I used to come down at different times throughout the night to see if I could see them. I have moved home several times since but never had problem again. you could try beer and salt
9 Jun, 2012
I get lots of slugs in my kitcen. The outside door is old and poorly fitting and I guess they're getting under it ,attracted by the cat food.
See if you can follow the slug trails and see where they're entering and block the whole up.,
9 Jun, 2012
My hall doormat is criss crossed with trails bu no signs of the slugs. I live and let live as they never seem to get any further. I think the carpet fibres must dry them out so there is probably a small dried up one somewhere which will get vcacuumed next time I get around to it...
9 Jun, 2012
Thank-you all for your comments.
9 Jun, 2012
You could try buying copper strip from your local Garden Centre and sticking it across the threshold. Slugs and snails get an electric shock when they touch it and won't cross it
9 Jun, 2012
we used to get them in the house all the time! Found they were squeezing themselves in through a crack in the back door, and then heading for the plate of cat biscuits which they semed to enjoy more than the cat!When we moved from that house, we never had a problem again, even though the area of Devon we moved to was awash with slugs. The house we live in now has no slug problem either, and interestingly both the doors here and in Devon are made of UVPC and not hardwood. Hmmmn, could that be it?
9 Jun, 2012