By Kornos
United Kingdom
Does anybody know if squirrels have a liking for young Wisteria buds /or shoots?
I noticed today that a squirrel was sitting on an arch on which is growing our 2 year old wisteria plant-and eating away happily-and I mentioned it to our neighbour who has a long established plant and she said there were flowers coming on hers about a week ago but when she came back from her holdiday there was no sign of the flowers or buds!
Anyone know anything?
Please advise
9 Jun, 2012
My Viburnum bodnantense had no flowers this year. Another GOY member told me that sparrows like the young buds and I suddenly realised that was why it was their favourite bush.
I remember reading somewhere that a gardener was netting her wisteria to stop the birds eating the buds.
So it may be squirrels but it may also be birds.
9 Jun, 2012
Previous question
I don't know whether they specifically like wisteria flowers, but they do seem to have a taste for some flowers - I frequently see them eating the flowers on the horse chestnut tree outside.
9 Jun, 2012