By Gordi
United States
I have Euphorbia Martini's planted in September 2011 in different beds. This year one is beautiful, healthy and vibrant green and the other has turned a rusty red colour. It appears to be still growing.
I would welcome any comments on the difference between these two plants.
9 Jun, 2012
I am having the same problem Gordi ...bought two two years ago is thriving one is looking very sorry for itself .Having read up on them it seems that this is not a long lived plant and it suggests that you take cuttings each year or any rooted seedlings as they quite often just fail.I always thought Euphorbia were pretty cast iron but this particular cultivar it seems not :-)
11 Jun, 2012
Could the rusty red coloured one be sitting in exceptionally wet soil?
9 Jun, 2012