I recently came across a cluster of wild plants growing in a very wet soil in S.E. Cornwall. Can anyone please help me to identify them?
By Awesome
United Kingdom
Covering an area of about 50 square metres in a very boggy woodland, these plants have huge leaves (largest about 600mm/24in) shaped like giant cos lettuce leaves growing from the ground. Several plants had stocky, poker-like stems eminating from the centre origin of the leaves with a pointed cluster on the end which will obviously become a flower. Photographs attached were taken with mobile phone so of poor quality - my apologies.

10 May, 2009
That would be my guess too Andrew the candelabra primulas love very moist ground... Oh and pix. quality is fine Awesome
10 May, 2009
Many thanks Andrewr and Moon grower. I think you are right. Following link has picture showing exactly same leaves. http://www.seamere.com/Image2.html I will revisit the plants in a few weeks time and check on developements. Thanks again to both.
PS really impressed with rapid response to my question.
10 May, 2009
Take another pix or 3 when you got back and put up in a blog for us to see please
10 May, 2009
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Possibly one of the candelabra primulas that escaped from a nearby garden
10 May, 2009