By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
"Rose Bush" My rose bush is looking sorry for itself, can I prune it right down now and would it give it a new lease of life, it has black spot too. Jackie :0)
10 Jun, 2012
Hello Bamboo. It's a Bush and in a pot, I didn't prune anything in early spring or fed it, haven't been able to do much due to my two falls last year in which I hurt my hip & arm, hip has taken a year to repair, it was called (Bursitis), my arm is still sore which was caused through pulling myself up the stairs by the handrail, pulled a tendon,
Ha! Ha! It never rains but it pours as they say so you see not a lot has been done in my garden but got started 2wks ago to a point.
So should I cut it back a bit feed and sprinkle sulphur round on the soil.
Thanks for any info, much appreciated. Jackie x
10 Jun, 2012
I'm sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations, you have my deepest sympathy, I know what its like, been in a similar boat myself, what with one thing and another. You mess up one bit of your body and then wreck the rest compensating for the original damage, sod's law.
If its in a pot and its not a patio rose, it may need potting into a larger container in good, new compost, but I can see that might not be possible currently. In the circumstances, I'd just give it a tidy up, removing any weak or thin, crossing stems which are rubbing each other, anything growing into the centre of the bush, and anything dead or diseased. Then spray with a fungicide that treats for black spot, preferably a systemic one which you'll need to use fortnightly. Also, if you can, buy some Toprose feed and apply that, but not past 20th June at the latest. If you can't get out to get the rose food, then something like Miracle Gro general purpose, if you already have it, will do for now.
11 Jun, 2012
Thank You Bamboo, for your sympathy, My hip Luckily is ok now, no pain Whooopeee! The arm works for me ok, I can lift and dig but when I reach to get my cuppa tea on the side table beside my armchair thats when that sort of movement hurts or when I go to give Hubby a whack LOL.
I think I will find a spot for the rose in the ground, think it would be happier, would it be ok to plant now? I will do all you told me to do and see how the one in the ground already gets on, will have to wait till this flipping on going rain gives up, its awful here at the moment.
Thanks Again for all your advice and will see what your advice is about planting my rose in the ground.
xx Jackie xx
12 Jun, 2012
Yes, it will probably do much better in the ground. Best planted out in autumn, really, but you can do it now, provided you're prepared to keep it well watered yourself if the weather should ever turn hot and dry this year. Doesn't look to be much chance of that currently...
12 Jun, 2012
Me Again :o))
How how far from the bottom can I prune it, don't wanna kill it LOL
xx Jackie xx
12 Jun, 2012
You won't kill it, but to be honest, its a bit late to force new growth - by the time it comes through, it may not have sufficient time to harden off before winter sets in. Just do what I said earlier on and then give it a proper prune at the end of February next year.
12 Jun, 2012
Ah! Right. Thanks again, shell follow your instructions :o))
xx Jackie xx
12 Jun, 2012
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What kind of rose is it? Climber, bush? Did you prune it in early spring? When you say its looking sorry for itself, what does that mean exactly? have you fed it this year?
As for blackspot, that's always with us and needs regular treatment with a systemic fungicide fortnightly, or an application of sulphur soil around it.
10 Jun, 2012