Dead or Alive
By Angiedoherty
I think I know the answer however would like second opinion. My gorgeous tree (don't know name) blew over in wind last November - My husband told me recently he dug it up and replanted it. However as you can see it's not looking too well - what do you think. Is it time to say goodbye

10 May, 2009
just tried that & not looking good - think it's time to say goodbye :( I suppose it's not all bad as when it goes we'll have a better view of the cherry blosom you can just about see in the background
10 May, 2009
There you go think positive Angie... and you can always plant anotehr tree there or somewhere else.
10 May, 2009
thanks moon grower for your comment but I do hate when my babies die - however onwards and upwards that's what they say
10 May, 2009
well i didnt give it much hope but like to be posative but life goes on theres allways a plus to a minus.nothing much is all bad or all good i guess .
10 May, 2009
Previous question
it looks that way.if you open up the bark a little and its green under the bark you have a chance but not much sorry about that
10 May, 2009