Untimely deaths in South Bucks: diosma, black bamboo, false acacia .
United Kingdom
This spring I have lost 2 Diosma in different locations, both 3 year old plants. My guess is snow/frost earlier this year. I plan to replace. Any other common causes in case I may be able to prevent repetition ?
Also I feel I am losing a mature black bamboo clump of c 100 canes , 8-10ft tall which is failing to go into leaf for the second year running.
In the same area of the garden I have lost 2 false acacias aged 15-20 and 25ft tall which had some leaf formation last year but are now all but dead and need to come out . No signs of disease in either. Q: Are bamboo and acacia both susceptible to dry conditions or maybe I shouldnt look for a common cause of these coincident but premature failures?
Any thoughts most welcome . Thank you
10 May, 2009
I don't know anything about Diosma, but I have lost black bamboo before when it became too dry. When the leaves start to curl it needs to be watered immediately as it goes past the point of no return very quickly ( or mine did !). Also if the bamboo goes to seed it will almost always die afterwards - this happened to a different variety I had.
I believe false acacia has average water needs so if it has been particularly dry then this may have contributed to/caused their deaths. It is strange happening to such establised trees though as normally they will have a very well developed root structure.
11 May, 2009