By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
can you scatter oriental poppy seeds anytime of year or is there a good time?
12 Jun, 2012
ok thankyou :)
12 Jun, 2012
Could be wrong Kate but I have found it better to split a plant.They do get big and people that have taken seeds from my orientals have not been successful.
12 Jun, 2012
I know you want Oriental Poppies but I heard that poppy seeds are super fertile and self seed like mad. So I used the seed that falls off lafs of bread (you get loads from any supermarket bread) and I scattered them in the garden and loads came up and flower (annual, red ones). Thye must have been baked at high heat for a while and still came up. Just something to try. Any time now for them to flower this year fi you feel like trying.
12 Jun, 2012
wow thats amazing Kildermorie..thanks everyone :)
12 Jun, 2012
Never heard that one before Kildermorie. That's definitely worth a try.
12 Jun, 2012
Im certain oriental poppy seeds are sterile. They do however divide very easily.
12 Jun, 2012
any time of year but early spring is better. the seed may not all germinate at one time and if you scatter lots they will keep coming up for years.
12 Jun, 2012