By Wend11
United Kingdom
Hi. I've got a 3 year old Bramley Apple tree planted in my allotment, and I've noticed this year many of the leaves are curled. On further investigation, when uncurling the leaves, there are a lot of little eggs on the underside. What are these, how can I treat and will it harm the tree?
There are also a lot of ants up and down the tree, is this connected?
Many thanks
13 Jun, 2012
I've got a lot of this happening on all my apple trees this year, but don't want to spray with insecticide because of the beehives in the orchard. I am just joining this question (Hope you don't mind, Wend11) to see if anyone has the answer. I don't think it can be to do with the ants, as, although we have loads of them, they don't seem to be climbing the tree trunks.
13 Jun, 2012
they just mite be hunting on the tree jen and know i dont mind lol your so rite i dont use it apart from wear i can and have to .i try and work with nature .
14 Jun, 2012
make a minus into a plus . id love to see the porkupines lol x x
14 Jun, 2012
So would I Nosey, then I can shoot the little B****rs! They come in the dead of night. I just find the damage they've done.
I must apologise and explain, Wend11, members sometimes (well, quite often, really) go off at a tangent and start discussing other subjects. Please forgive us and stick with us - your question will surely be answered once the big guns address it. :o)
14 Jun, 2012
lol thats my faverite kind of chatting when your subject in the end is completly different to how its started . brilliant it makes it interrresting .its not for you to apolagize lots of people do it but it makes sense and made sense to lol .spontanious often .
14 Jun, 2012
ps id probably get annoyed with them or id get a patio with a light and nice treats and watch them real close .tame them and not worry about my garden lol . can you imagine setting up what them nature people and do an underneath watch with glass plate in to keep you apart ,subtle light . ive seen it done with badgers and a there tunnels viewable in there tunnels they dig . its amazing lol xx . ill shut up lol
14 Jun, 2012
No need to apologise Gattina.. always interesting to read the comments even if they are a little off track!
Thanks for all the comments so far though..
14 Jun, 2012
I'm just sorry not to have been able to come up with the solution for you. :o( Contrary to popular belief, I'm neither omniscient nor infallible, and I don't claim to be, either! :o)
14 Jun, 2012
here here xx
15 Jun, 2012
Waddya mean "Hear, Hear", Nosey? You're not supposed to agree with me!!!!
15 Jun, 2012
lol x x
16 Jun, 2012
Previous question
it could well be ants protecting some sort of aphid . either way you definatly need an insecticide spray what ever they are . obviously when you spray do it under the leaves .
13 Jun, 2012