By Janesusan5
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hi there,
Does anyone know of a variety of plant (by seed or bulb or potted plant) called "Angela"? I want to give a friend a personal gift.
13 Jun, 2012
There is a rose 'Angela' and a nicer rose called 'Angela's Choice'.
13 Jun, 2012
ALSTROEMERIA 'Princess Angela' ?
14 Jun, 2012
There is also a Fuchsia called 'Angela.' Red and deep purple.
14 Jun, 2012
There is an orchid Dendrobium Angela, an Agapanthus Angela and a really pretty pink Dahlia Angela Dodi.
A whole garden full or a border at least. before long.
14 Jun, 2012
There is a tomato called Angela and you can get seeds if you want to
And there is a miniature rose called Angela Rippon
13 Jun, 2012