By Deborahmoss
United Kingdom
I have brought three quite established lupins and all the shoots on are coming through withered looking (like they have never been watered) and are growing at odd angles and snap really easily. They are also not flowering at all where as my other lupins which have been in the ground since last year have lots of lovely huge flowers.
Please help
Please help
13 Jun, 2012
Remove all flowering stems that look like this - if the next lot that come through are the same, return them to the place you bought them from.
14 Jun, 2012
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Keeping them well watered should perk them up quite quickly. Watch out for the slugs as they will like the moist damp shade underneath. As for growing at odd angles....this could when they were growing in the GC they were competing for light. I tend to find that the stems on my lupins snap quite easy.
13 Jun, 2012