hi could anybody tell me a fast growing hedge other than leylandi it needs to grow about 6 feet quickly
By Clemsey
United Kingdom
the ground is hard with not much soil so it needs to be quite a hardy hedge
12 May, 2009
I agree with Doctorbob but might I throw an added suggestion in, Look at the spotted Laurels Which are Aucuba Japonica Variegata the female and Aucuba Japonica Crotonifolia the Male. I have a hedge of these down my drive and if you plant them 2/3 females to 1 male alternate you will get lovely red berries through the winter right up to May on the females and quite inconspicuous but dainty flowers on the males. When they are established if you prune them by cutting the new growth stems (Not trimming the leaves) to reduce the thickness you will get the berries in full show otherwise thay are apt to hide under the new growth and also it keeps the hedge from getting too thick. They are also very easy to take cuttings, if the hedge proves expensive according to the length you could leave spaces and stick cuttings in.
13 May, 2009
You need to prepare the ground first by digging it the depth of the shrubs you are going to plant, putting in compost and fertilizer. You could buy 4ft. high Laurels which would be 6ft. tall next year.
13 May, 2009