By Dasuk
United Kingdom
has this poppy got a name?
Asked from the GoYpedia
poppies page

16 Jun, 2012
no i think it might be a type of Shaggy mauve petalled opium poppy
but not sure but thank you for your answer
16 Jun, 2012
whatever it is, it's lovely!
16 Jun, 2012
Papaver somniferum 'Lilac Pompom' perhaps? I think this is a either an immature bloom or a malformed one as the green centre and the petal form seems wrong. It will be interesting to see what the next flower is like
16 Jun, 2012
I had about twenty plants last year all the
Same flowers as this and I have a plant about
To flower this year I have not seen this flower
Before but I like the look of it this one is close
Shaggy mauve petalled opium poppy
16 Jun, 2012
Yes I can see what you mean
16 Jun, 2012
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16 Jun, 2012