By Hoskins
United Kingdom
why have all my spanish onions died could it be to much rain?
16 Jun, 2012
Quote; could it be to much rain?
It could be a factor but it could also be other things when you consider that other people have experienced the same weather ( including myself) and not lost their plants!
In fact see my most recent blog, and you will see how mine are standing up to the weather!
A few questions;
When did you plant them?
Were they grown from seed or setts?
What type of soil do you have?
Did they die suddenly or gradually?
If you have pulled them out what did the roots/bulb look like?
Sorry for all the questions but it is necessary in order to make some sort of judgement.
Get back to us with your answers and if possible could you send a picture of where you planted them and of a dead plant!
16 Jun, 2012
they where grown from seed and they died suddenly,it raing hard again here when it stops ill pull some up and take a picture thanks for your replys
16 Jun, 2012
The main problem I'm having with the onions ( that is those that were not affected by alium leaf miner again), is the wind blowing them over, especially my red maincrop ones that not so long ago had a lot of 2 foot tall perfectly shaped leaves on them that are now nicely bent/snapped double. If the gale ever stops I've a lot of work to do getting them upright.
How big were your onions when you planted them out?
Were they in at least 3" pots with a good root system?
If so, I'd doubt that rain was the problem.
16 Jun, 2012
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If you mean they have rotted yes it could be too much rain, were they from sets or seed?
16 Jun, 2012