suggest an evergreen tree/shrub grows to height around 10ft
By Mutchisman
United Kingdom
used for screening garden from main road.
soil type acidic, largely in shade
13 May, 2009
Hollies are good and if you mix male and female (you would only need 1 male) you will get berries. It also responds well to pruning which is an important consideration. Garrya elliptica will grow as a free standing, evergreen shrub and has grey catkins in winter.
13 May, 2009
camillias would be good
13 May, 2009
How about laurel? You could alternate with holly.
13 May, 2009
Prunus laurocerasus "Camelliifolia". You could use the ordinary prunus laurocerasus, but this eventually gets to 20feet and you'll be forever cutting it back. Camelliifolia only attains 13 feet. Otherwise Aucuba japonica "crotonifolia", though this only gets bout 8 feet. Both do really well in shade. Don't know how wide you want it to get, but have a look at Berberis darwinii or stenophylla, though these don't tolerate shade anywhere near as well.
13 May, 2009