how do i stop the bird or squirrels kicking my chipwood all over the grass
By Allbob68
United Kingdom
how do i stop the bird or the squirrels from kicking all my chipwood all over the grass
13 May, 2009
Yes like sbg I know they look a little unsightly, but think of the good work they are doing ridding you of bugs! I go around with a sweeping brush now and again and once they have worked it over they settle a bit and the problem becomes a little less. Its a little price to pay for the less weeding you have to do and the goodness to the soil when they break down.
13 May, 2009
Chickens do the same! I have made little (6 inch) woven 'fences' from Cornus prunings. Any straight woody shoots would do, or buy some willow for weaving. Push stout sticks into the ground every 6 inches and then start to weave the long thin shoots in and out. This stops the chippings (or gravel) from going all over the lawn or path.
13 May, 2009
yes a small surround would keep them in somethink like a edging strip?
13 May, 2009
in short , you can't.
it's what birds do, you could try putting in some lawn edging that was higher than the chippings, but blackbirds can throw this stuff quite a way!!
just treat it as good excercise :-) .....steve
13 May, 2009
its probably birds turning over the woodchips looking for food. This happens a lot, i dont how to stop it though but they are removing pests all the time.
13 May, 2009