Not a Q. Coach trip
By Owdboggy
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Probably should be in a Blog, but I don't do them!
We had a Coach load of visitors in the garden on Sunday, This is what they saw.
13 May, 2009
Was this for the NGS?? I like the gravel beds, and you've got a lot of interesting plants! :-)
13 May, 2009
Oh, that's fabulous, Owdboggy. :o)
So much in bloom too.
Lovely, lovely garden.
13 May, 2009
Hello. What am I doing wrong, please? I typed in the given address to view the pictures but cannot find them. JOY
14 May, 2009
All our garden and just the two of us keep it like that.
The tour was a private visit by a gardening group to which we belong.
Copy and paste the address is the best method, Joy.
14 May, 2009
Wow Owdboggy, thats beautiful its huge!!! the alpines are very pretty
14 May, 2009
Try cutting and pasting, Joyoustub - well worth a look.
14 May, 2009
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What a tour Owdboggy is this all your garden? and how many of you keep it in such shape?
13 May, 2009