By Footman
United Kingdom
I have a standard weeping cherry which is 2 years old. It had a wonderful display of blossom this spring, only when we had the recent gales and storms 75% of the blossom blew off along with a lot of the new shooting leaves. I am now left with a tree that looks very sorry for itself, bereft of many leaves and no sign of any new growth. Am I to write off this year with regards to my pride and joy? Thank you for any advice you can give. Barry
17 Jun, 2012
Yup we have Japanese Acers that have been badly wind burnt this year that have been in the ground for 15 years with no problems.
17 Jun, 2012
Thank you very helpful, I'll just look on in pity!
17 Jun, 2012
Gardening is like that Footman, there is always another year!
17 Jun, 2012
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« I have grown some aubretia from seed. I assume they won't flower now but do I...
Yes, probably, write it off this year I mean - this has happened to quite a few people this year, and its down to the tough weather conditions.
17 Jun, 2012