By Lauraj
United Kingdom
Slugs the spawn of the devil ?
Ok so how many of you are suffering the worst ever slug infestation ever ?
Any advice ?
I did nematodes this year and I have decided they are a con. They are barely touching the slug population.
Ive had enough. I have now resorted to the torch at twilight with a metal skewer....
Anybody with any tips please let me know.
17 Jun, 2012
Yes think I may have to resort to the blue pellets of death ; )
17 Jun, 2012
17 Jun, 2012
I'm with you they are Evil.... Missed a few nights slye stomping over weekend and theyve climbed my lillies and scoffed the flower buds :(
17 Jun, 2012
I treated my dahlia beds 2 years ago with nemaslug.
Same at the allotment.
I can count the number of slugs in my garden since then on the fingers of my four hands.
I can count the number of slugs at the allotment on the toes of my four feet.
I put the pellets down now and all they catch are the snails.
Can't understand why it didn't work for you.
17 Jun, 2012
Unless you have a 'live and let live' policy then slug pellets are the only solution.
17 Jun, 2012
You are at it again. See my answer. It may not have worked for Laura but it has for me.
17 Jun, 2012
I have had them too. Thought I had enough 2011 soot in the old Anderson shelter. Glad to go and get it out yesterday to spread around my Brassica plants.
Never use pellets, they poison the birds who cant tell the difference.
East/west, soot is best ! Ha ha.
18 Jun, 2012
No slugs here just loads of frogs, shame they cannot get rid of my snails as well.. I had a chuckle as well Bamboo..
18 Jun, 2012
ScrumpyG. we tried nemaslug and it did not work for us. Lauraj says she has experienced the same, delighted it worked for you though.
18 Jun, 2012
And just remember that many British slugs are carnivores. They eat.............other slugs. It is the small ones which are often unnoticed and snails which do the most damage.
Also, despite us gardeners not liking them eating our plants, they are prime agents in the conversion of plant matter into black gold........compost.
Again many molluscs do not have strong enough mouth parts to eat green material, they feast on plant matter once it has been broken down by fungal activity.
18 Jun, 2012
I am trying slug traps baited with yeast mixture, and have caught quite a lot of little black slugs.Dont want to use pellets unless all else fails as we have loads of birds
18 Jun, 2012
Good idea Jenfren oddly enough when we set mouse traps in the greenhouse over winter using peanut butter as bait we regularly get slugs trapped and killed - no idea why!
18 Jun, 2012
If you really must trap slugs, the best bait of all is crushed snails.
19 Jun, 2012
19 Jun, 2012
Seriously, crush a few snails on a path and watch how many slugs come to feast. Trouble is they are the carnivorous ones which one would like to keep. Now if you want euch gross big time, watch for the ones which come to eat dog droppings.
19 Jun, 2012
Yukky - mind you, I've seen dogs eat dogs excrement, never mind slugs...
19 Jun, 2012
I think I'm going to allow the blackbirds and thrushes to continue to beat up on my snails...
19 Jun, 2012
I suffered for years with slugs and snails due to lots of dry stone walling,I am lucky enough to have lots of wild life come into the garden,squirrels hedgehogs field mice and many different kind of birds,so I do not like using pellets. I use copper tape around pots, I have had to grow plants that the slugs and snails do not seem to like, penstemon,astrantia,catnip.hardy geraniums, heuchers,are among some of the plants I grow, it has taken a long time to get to the stage were my garden has lots of colour and as little damage as possible, but I do envy people who can grow delphiniums etc.
21 Jun, 2012
Thanks everyone for your responses. I decided to take extreme measures after they destroyed 8 beautiful healthy butternut squash plants which I had devoted a large bed to this year. I have been out with a torch for four nights running. I have killed over four hundred slugs and about 100 snails. I put pellets very thinly around my dahlias and I watered slug off over my Achilleas and then I went and bought , penstemons, salvias, cranesbill and heuchera which I have been assured slugs don't like. I feel bad about using the blue pellets because I have so many birds and toads. I still don't understand why Nemaslug didn't make a difference. I have created a brand new bed with a beautiful David Austin rose, three geraniums, 2 salvias and 2 euphorbias and 3 shasta Daisy and some Astrantia. If it works I will just go for slug resistant planting ; ) I will try to get photos on here....before and after.
21 Jun, 2012
Good luck Laura I'm sure you will create a beautiful space.
21 Jun, 2012
Well....2014 is here. I now have a garden full of plants that slugs don't like, nepeta, geraniums, foxgloves, verbena, verbascum, astrantia, roses, lavender, rosemary, poppies,monarch, buddelia, fuschia, achillea, mollis, and sanguisorba and perisicalis and I'm relaxed....the birds are happy....I don't even attempt to grow things they will eat. Everything much happier. If I could work out how to put pics on here I would
13 May, 2014
Slug pellets - just don't sprinkle too many, you don't need that many at a time, a light application will do. Will need replenishing with all this wet weather. I had to click on this question because it made me laugh...
17 Jun, 2012