By Junie
United Kingdom
Sumach - I planted one early spring and it was doing extremely well, but in the last few days the leaves are suddenly drooping and it looks very sorry for itself. I thought the drainage was good, but now I think it is too wet. Do you recommend I leave it in position in the hope that a dry spell will help, or should I dig it up and nurse it in a pot for a while to stop it rotting? Many thanks
17 Jun, 2012
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If you now think that it is too wet, then you will have the same problem every time we have a wet period, so I would suggest that you either improve the drainage, or plant somewhere else that already has better drainage, I don,t think putting it back in a pot is the right way to go, as this will just involve more root disturbance when you come to plant it out again, Derek.
17 Jun, 2012