Collecting conifer/hedge clippings
By Oldgnr0
United Kingdom
Is there an attachment for hedge trimmers that would collect the clippings before they fall in/upon/behind plants and shrubbery? It is so diffcult to collect them once they have fallen. Or is there a slim line upright bag that could be placed under the hedgerow to collect clippings as you go?
14 May, 2009
We use a drop cloth under the hedge - not aware of anything you can buy to attache to hedge trimmers. If you've got a leaf hover you could always try using that I guess.
14 May, 2009
Previous question
« have added gromore and used a general potting compost to plant this in
I've seen people put down old sheets to catch the worst of the clippings. It depends what is under the hedge of course.
14 May, 2009