By Mookins
United Kingdom
I have straight boring line edges on my beds, am in need of inspiration for something else.
have been looking at everyones pics but cant really see through all the fab plants
x x x
14 May, 2009
Try laying your hose pipe in nice gentle curves to make the line interesting and give you some parts of your border more width if you wish to put an evergreen shrub in for winter colour, without losing space for your perenials, bulbs and edging plants. Once you have laid it you can stand back and look at it and adjust until it is pleasing to the eye, when you are happy dig the edge of the lawn along the line of the hose pipe. I went up into the bedroom window to look down on it, gives you a good aspect of it.
14 May, 2009
You have the straight lines,plant in staggered lines or groups. In a few days nature will take over with different shapes and sizes.
14 May, 2009
i agree with telme. it also makes 'stealing' from the grass easier too :o)
14 May, 2009
hehehe...Im very slowly piching more and more of the grass, mainly when hubby is at work, by the time hes home its finished and cant do anything. will definatly do the hose trick ours is bright yellow which will help from looking from upstairs, am very mcuh liking the figure of 8 design but it would have to be diagonal across the garden cos of little ladies swing...
Ive definatly been doing heights, never realised just how tall some plants grow... like foxgloves.. and mt sweet Jo Pye!!
thanks everyone
watch this space
x x x
14 May, 2009
can you believe it hubby actually agreed I need more space for plants and even agreed that the figure of 8 would be a good idea... hes after something Im sure
x x x
17 May, 2009
Hi Moonkins if u Click "Garden Border Ideas" Below the Featured On ul find lots of different Grass Verges &Border Shapes to inspire u ;)
19 May, 2009
Try looking at the problem the other way round. Make the lawn into a shape ie. circle, kidney figure 8 etc. Keep the curves sweeping with no 'sharp' turns, this also makes mowing easier.
14 May, 2009