The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Derekm

Cheshire, United Kingdom

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deonst mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are/
Theolny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit plcae the rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe, amzanig eh?



Fascinating. It was all very interesting, the whole thing, from first to last.

19 Jun, 2012


Asblotuely rgiht!

19 Jun, 2012


I loved that and your its so right, makes us lazy though..

19 Jun, 2012


Youwillallreadtheseparatewordsinthisinspiteoftheirbeingnospaces. Seemsoriginallyinsomelanguagestherewerenospacesbetweenwords.

19 Jun, 2012


Facinating Derek, the human brain is wonderful!

19 Jun, 2012



19 Jun, 2012


Haha Derek and MG!

19 Jun, 2012


Well we need to have fun occasionally. I suddenly remember where I saw the writing with no spaces - very old gravestones in the local grave yard.

19 Jun, 2012


It's weird how the mind works is'nt it!

19 Jun, 2012


Isn't it just Annelise!

19 Jun, 2012


1F U C4N R34D 7H15, I7 SH0W5 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5.

20 Jun, 2012


and you know what I cant read this easily at all. takes far too long and 'irritates' the hell out of me :o))

as for 2nd hands ..... what??????

20 Jun, 2012


I found Moon growes the hardest.............

20 Jun, 2012


I wonder if the computer had problems with Moon Grower's? It didn't fit into the box, did it? Just shows how much cleverer WE are!!!

20 Jun, 2012


Thanks for all the comments , 2nd hand, looks like cambridge got it wrong!, all you need is a mix of letters and numbers, mg, perhaps they hadn,t got enough room on the tombstone,ha ha, at least we had a laugh, {better than all the backbiting that,s been going on recently},
Cheers Derek.

20 Jun, 2012


Yes we had a laugh and I totally agree it was much better than the backbiting that has ben going on I never wanted that, or to be part of which was a bit unpleasant so let's give thanks for a good laugh!

20 Jun, 2012



20 Jun, 2012


Isn't it just Dawnsaunt! A friend has asked about the Doric which is a dialect of NE Scotland and am having fun baiting him with statements and words!

20 Jun, 2012


Hi Moon, that would be good to see.

In the meantime, check this out, just repeat the letters you see - hope its not too rude -


20 Jun, 2012


Reminds me of the Latin rhyme:

Caesar ad sum jam forte
Marcus ad erat.
Caesar sic in omnibus
Marcus in is at.

20 Jun, 2012


Lol! Dawnsaunt all about Qing to pee!

20 Jun, 2012


no dont get that either Dawnsaunt. perhaps i'm dyslexic in reverse.

21 Jun, 2012


Oh like that one Mechisedec - for some reason I had missed it :-)

Lol SBG xxx

21 Jun, 2012


I learned that one at school (well - while I was at school! Don't think the Latin teacher would have approved!)

Do you know this :


Not as funny, but it might keep Dawnsaunt and Seaburngirl guessing!

I'd forgotten all about those until now!!

21 Jun, 2012


Gosh yes someone wrote that in my autograph book when I was at school...

21 Jun, 2012



21 Jun, 2012


I don't think children even have autograph books now!

21 Jun, 2012


That's probably right! I used to waylay all adult visitors with mine! My grandmother's was lovely, with little watercolours in it. Autograph collecting was quite a hobby, and not just from "celebrities" (how I hate that word!!!)

21 Jun, 2012


You and me both Melchisedec. I also had a diary with a little padlock and key! I am almost certain that teenagers would consider this totally uncool today but I thought it was great!

21 Jun, 2012


Glad to see I have unearthed some long forgotten memories for you, good to have a laugh isn,t it, Derek.

21 Jun, 2012


I loved my autograph book, at end of school term.

21 Jun, 2012


Derek - this was a very interesting and enjoyable thread - thank you!!

21 Jun, 2012


Yes Derekm it is good to have a laugh! Dawnsaunt I loved my autograph book too... No idea what happened to it though! I do have a photo album with pix from when I was a wee thing - totally embarrassing!

21 Jun, 2012


Did anyone answer this Melchisedec?
"too wise you are too wise you be i see you are too wise for me".
I had it in my autograph book at school too, about 60 odd years ago!!
good things never die!! Ha! ;)

23 Jun, 2012


Yes - I remember one teacher who wrote, when I left school,
"Never be flat, never be sharp, always be natural", except in musical notation - can't reproduce it here, sadly!

23 Jun, 2012


I guess that must mean the signs for those musical terms. I shall have to look them up!

26 Jun, 2012

How do I say thanks?

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