Shirlwhirl's Profile

About me
I live in Goucestershire & have done since the year dot because I was born here. Lived in Parkstone, near Bournemouth for a couple of years when first married in 1959, but moved back up here when OH was made redundant from DeHavilland.
We have two grown up children, one of each! & two grandsons - one from each!!! Not likely to get any more now though!
I only do a bit of necessary gardening these days to try & keep it tidy! Used to spend hours at it when younger but it gets harder each year now!!!!
I love 'Growson you' - not only questions answered, but socialising as well.
We have football in the river here on August Bank Holidays - bit on Youtube!!
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Joined in Jun 2012
Country: United Kingdom
County: Gloucestershire