By Margyj
My plum tree has had plenty of blossom the last two years but the plums fall off soon after they have formed
19 Jun, 2012
Thanks for your help
20 Jun, 2012
do they all fall off - if not it could just be natural shedding, usually called June drop I think.
23 Jun, 2012
I have about 6 plums left
24 Jun, 2012
That's better than our new tree!!! We had a new Victoria a couple of years ago. This year there was a lot of blossom but ONE PLUM only has survived!! I have put a net bag around it to try & save it from the birds!! It would be nice to, at least have a taste!! As it is the only one growing, I wonder if it will be record size?!!! :)
26 Jun, 2012
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« Please does anyone know how to deal with caterpillars on my Verbascums? I've...
Could be Plum Sawfly or Plum Moth - check the fruits which have fallen by cutting them open to see what's inside - if there's a creamy white larvae with a brown head, its sawfly. In Plum Moth, the fruits are less likely to fall from the tree, but do have entry holes with a caterpillar inside which is pinkish white with a brown head. These caterpillars concentrate their activities around the stone. If its sawfly, the tree will need spraying 7 to 10 days after petal fall with a pesticide spray containing either Dectamethrin, or Lambda Cyhalothorin. This treatment also works for Plum Moth, but there's an easier way for that - get a pheremone trap and erect it in the tree, following the instructions on the pack.
20 Jun, 2012